- ready for processing
- weather-resistant
- water-repellent
- highly permeable
- flame retardant
Ready-to-use, pasty, synthetic silicate thin-layer plaster (finishing plaster). Fine plaster with etched or grooved structure, white or coloured, for outdoor and indoor use. Can be processed manually or by machine. Mineral, water-repellent, weatherproof, highly permeable, flame retardant. Observe lightness values (HBW) (not under 25!) for use on thermal insulation systems or heat-insulating plasters.
1.5 mm etching structure 2.5 kg/m², 2 mm etching structure 2.9 kg/m², 3 mm etching structure 3.9 kg/m², 2 mm groove structure 2.8 kg/m², 3 mm groove structure 3.9 kg/m², Quality assurance: In-house monitoring by our own factory laboratory. Third party monitoring of ongoing production control by a notified body.